The LEO Test

A somewhat belated announcement, I know; but if you notice, I’ve added a new link on the blog roll — The LEO Test.

This is the Hubby’s blog about his current research in political science; it’s a three-part ideological model which he’s been working on for, oh, a year? over a year? now, and folks like Boxing Alcibiades and the Bunny have been biting their tongue, waiting for the Hubby to make his work public, because his work makes crystal clear American politics in a manner that’s so “well, DUH!” that it’s been difficult *not* to use the Hubby’s research in talking about US politics, especially in regards to ideological underpinnings for such political activities as voting records, campaign speeches, and policy decisions.

Now you’ll know *why* I’ve called myself a little “l” libertarian (who is oriented towards “liberty”) and not a conservative (who is oriented towards “order”) or a liberal (who is oriented towards “equality”) all of this time.

The Hubby has actually been looking for an official venue for his work — either in academic journals, political rags, academic conferences, chapters in textbooks or academic tradebooks — but the feedback has been initially positive but then next-to-nothing in follow-up. So, after yet another query met with editorial silence and/or slow response time, the Hubby has decided to self-publish in online form — hence the paid blog with Typepad. He may also have an official website with an interactive LEO test on it, but that’s a little bit later down the line.

I think it fitting that this Fourth of July weekend has the inauguration of the LEO test. It’s been a long time coming, lemme tell ya!

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